19. Any other matters as are necessary and appropriate to fix the obligations,
2responsibilities and rights of the department and the private person with which the
3department is contracting.
AB176,46,54 (d) Prisoners may not be received at a private prison covered by a contract
5under this subsection on direct commitment from the courts.
AB176,46,106 (e) The provisions of any contract entered into under this subsection are
7severable. If any provision of such a contract is invalid, or if the application of a
8provision of the contract to any person or circumstance is invalid, the invalidity does
9not affect other provisions or applications which can be given effect without the
10invalid provision or application.
AB176, s. 108 11Section 108. 301.21 (6) (title) of the statutes is created to read:
AB176,46,1212 301.21 (6) (title) Approval required.
AB176, s. 109 13Section 109. 301.26 (4) (cm) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,47,214 301.26 (4) (cm) 1. Notwithstanding pars. (a), (b) and (bm), the department shall
15transfer funds from the appropriation under s. 20.410 (3) (cg) to the appropriations
16under s. 20.410 (3) (hm), (ho) and (hr) for the purpose of reimbursing juvenile
17correctional institutions, secured child caring institutions, as defined in s. 938.02
18(15g), alternate care providers, aftercare supervision providers and corrective
19sanctions supervision providers for costs incurred beginning on July 1, 1996, for the
20care of any juvenile 14 years of age or over who has been placed in a juvenile
21correctional facility institution based on a delinquent act that is a violation of s.
22939.31, 939.32 (1) (a), 940.03, 940.21, 940.225 (1), 940.305, 940.31, 941.327 (2) (b) 4.,
23943.02, 943.10 (2), 943.23 (1g), (1m) or (1r), 943.32 (2), 948.02 (1), 948.025, 948.30 (2),
24948.35 (1) (b) or 948.36 and for the care of any juvenile 10 years of age or over who
25has been placed in a juvenile correctional institution or a secured child caring

1institution for attempting or committing a violation of s. 940.01 or for committing a
2violation of s. 940.02 or 940.05.
AB176, s. 110 3Section 110. 301.26 (4) (cm) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,47,124 301.26 (4) (cm) 2. Notwithstanding pars. (a), (b) and (bm), the department shall
5transfer funds from the appropriation under s. 20.410 (3) (cg) to the appropriations
6under s. 20.410 (3) (hm), (ho) and (hr) for the purpose of reimbursing juvenile
7correctional institutions, secured child caring institutions, as defined in s. 938.02
8(15g), alternate care providers, aftercare supervision providers and corrective
9sanctions supervision providers for costs incurred beginning on July 1, 1996, for the
10care of any juvenile 14 years of age or over and under 18 years of age who has been
11placed in a juvenile correctional facility institution under s. 48.366 based on a
12delinquent act that is a violation of s. 940.01, 940.02, 940.05 or 940.225 (1).
AB176, s. 111 13Section 111. 301.28 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,47,1614 301.28 (1) In this section, "correctional officer" means any person classified as
15a correctional officer employed by the state whose principal duty is the supervision
16of inmates at a state prison, as defined in under s. 302.01.
AB176, s. 112 17Section 112. 301.29 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,47,2418 301.29 (2) The superintendents of all the superintendent of a state correctional
19institutions, institution or a private prison and the employes under them any
20employe of the institution or prison
to whom they delegate the superintendent
police power, may arrest any person within or upon the grounds of the
22institutions whom they have the superintendent or employe has reason to believe is
23guilty of any offense against the laws or regulations governing the institutions; and
24for that purpose they shall possess the powers of constables.
AB176, s. 113 25Section 113. 301.29 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
1301.29 (3) The department shall investigate complaints against any
2institution under its jurisdiction, including a private prison, or against the officers
3or employes of the institutions. For that purpose, the secretary and such officers and
4employes as the secretary authorizes may summon and swear witnesses, take
5testimony and compel the production of books and papers. On its own initiative, the
6department may investigate the affairs of any institution. Any written
7communication or complaint addressed to the secretary by any inmate, employe or
8subordinate of an institution shall be immediately forwarded unopened to the
AB176, s. 114 10Section 114. 301.32 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,49,511 301.32 (1) Property delivered to warden or superintendent; credit and debit.
12All money and other property delivered to an employe of any state correctional
13institution or private prison for the benefit of a prisoner or resident shall be delivered
14to the warden or superintendent, who shall enter the property upon his or her
15accounts to the credit of the prisoner or resident. The property may be used only
16under the direction and with the approval of the superintendent or warden and for
17the crime victim and witness assistance surcharge under s. 973.045 (4), the
18delinquency victim and witness assistance surcharge under s. 938.34 (8d) (c), the
19deoxyribonucleic acid analysis surcharge under s. 973.046 or the benefit of the
20prisoner or resident. If the money remains uncalled for for one year after the
21prisoner's or resident's death or departure from the state correctional institution or
22private prison
, the superintendent shall deposit it in the general fund. If any
23prisoner or resident leaves property, other than money, uncalled for at a state
24correctional institution or private prison for one year, the superintendent shall sell
25the property and remit the proceeds to the department for deposit the proceeds in the

1general fund, donate the property to a public agency or private, nonprofit
2organization or destroy the property. If any person satisfies the department, within
35 years after the deposit, of his or her right to the deposit, the department shall direct
4the department of administration to draw its warrant in favor of the claimant and
5it shall charge the same to the appropriation made by s. 20.913 (3) (bm).
AB176, s. 115 6Section 115. 301.33 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,49,107 301.33 (1) Subject to reasonable exercise of the privilege, members of the clergy
8of all religious faiths shall have an opportunity, at least once each week, to conduct
9religious services within the state correctional institutions and within a private
. Attendance at the services is voluntary.
AB176, s. 116 11Section 116. 301.36 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,49,1612 301.36 (1) General authority. The department shall investigate and
13supervise all of the state correctional institutions and all secure detention facilities
14and shall investigate all private prisons. The department shall familiarize itself
15with all of the circumstances affecting their the management and usefulness of the
16institutions, facilities and private prisons it investigates under this subsection
AB176, s. 117 17Section 117. 301.36 (2) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,49,1818 301.36 (2) (title) Prisons and other correctional institutions.
AB176, s. 118 19Section 118. 301.38 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,49,2320 301.38 (2) (intro.) If a prisoner escapes from a Type 1 prison or a private prison,
21the department shall make a reasonable attempt to notify all of the following
22persons, if they can be found, in accordance with sub. (3) and after receiving a
23completed card under sub. (4):
AB176, s. 119 24Section 119. 302.01 of the statutes is amended to read:
1302.01 State prisons named and defined listed. The penitentiary
2institution at Waupun is named "Waupun Correctional Institution". The
3correctional treatment center at Waupun is named "Dodge Correctional Institution".
4The penitentiary institution at Green Bay is named "Green Bay Correctional
5Institution". The medium/maximum penitentiary institution at Portage is named
6"Columbia Correctional Institution". The medium security institution at Oshkosh
7is named "Oshkosh Correctional Institution". The medium security penitentiary
8institution near Fox Lake is named "Fox Lake Correctional Institution". The
9penitentiary institution at Taycheedah is named "Taycheedah Correctional
10Institution". The medium security penitentiary institution at Plymouth is named
11"Kettle Moraine Correctional Institution". The penitentiary institution at the
12village of Sturtevant in Racine county is named "Racine Correctional Institution".
13The medium security penitentiary institution at Racine is named "Racine Youthful
14Offender Correctional Facility". The resource facility at Oshkosh is named
15"Wisconsin Resource Center". The institutions named in this section, the
16correctional institution authorized under s. 301.16 (1n), correctional institution
17authorized under 1997 Wisconsin Act 4, section 4 (1) (a), correctional institution
18authorized under s. 301.046 (1), correctional institution authorized under s. 301.048
19(4) (b), minimum security correctional institutions authorized under s. 301.13, and
20state-local shared correctional facilities when established under s. 301.14, are state
AB176, s. 120 22Section 120. 302.02 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,50,24 23302.02 (title) Jurisdiction and extent of state correctional institutions
24and private prisons; service of process therein.
AB176, s. 121 25Section 121. 302.02 (3t) of the statutes is amended to read:
1302.02 (3t) Institutions located in other states; private prisons. For all
2purposes of discipline and for judicial proceedings, each institution that is located in
3another state and
authorized for use under s. 301.21 and the precincts of the
4institution shall be deemed to be in a county in which the institution is physically
5located, and the courts of that county shall have jurisdiction of any activity, wherever
6located, conducted by the institution.
AB176, s. 122 7Section 122. 302.02 (5) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,51,98 302.02 (5) (a) Service of process may be made on the warden or superintendent
9of any a prison named in s. 302.01 as upon any other resident of this state.
AB176, s. 123 10Section 123. 302.02 (5) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,51,1411 302.02 (5) (b) Except as provided in par. (a), service of process within any such
12a prison on any officer or employe or inmate thereof shall be made by the warden or
13superintendent or some person appointed by the warden or superintendent to serve
AB176, s. 124 15Section 124. 302.04 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,51,16 16302.04 (title) Duties of warden and superintendents of state prisons.
AB176, s. 125 17Section 125. 302.05 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,51,2518 302.05 (1) (intro.) The department of corrections and the department of health
19and family services may designate a section of a mental health institute as a
20correctional treatment facility for the treatment of substance abuse of inmates
21transferred from Wisconsin state prisons a prison. This section shall be
22administered by the department of corrections and shall be known as the Wisconsin
23substance abuse program. The department of corrections and the department of
24health and family services shall ensure that the residents at the institution and the
25residents in the substance abuse program:
AB176, s. 126
1Section 126. 302.06 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,52,12 2302.06 Delivery of persons to prisons. The sheriff shall deliver to the
3reception center designated by the department every person convicted in the county
4and sentenced to the Wisconsin state prisons or to the intensive sanctions program
5as soon as may be after sentence, together with a copy of the judgment of conviction.
6The warden or superintendent shall deliver to the sheriff a receipt acknowledging
7receipt of the person, naming the person, which receipt the sheriff shall file in the
8office of the clerk who issued the copy of the judgment of conviction. When
9transporting or delivering the person to any of the Wisconsin state prisons prison
10located in this state,
the sheriff shall be accompanied by an adult of the same sex as
11the person. If the sheriff and the person are of the same sex, this requirement is
12satisfied and a 3rd person is not required.
AB176, s. 127 13Section 127. 302.07 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,52,20 14302.07 Maintenance of order. The warden or superintendent of a prison
15shall maintain order, enforce obedience, suppress riots and prevent escapes. For
16such purposes the warden or superintendent may command the aid of the officers of
17the institution and of persons outside of the prison; and any person who fails to obey
18such command shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail not more than
19one year or by a fine not exceeding $500. The warden or superintendent may adopt
20proper means to capture escaped inmates.
AB176, s. 128 21Section 128. 302.08 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,52,25 22302.08 Humane treatment and punishment. The wardens and the
warden, superintendent and all prison officials and employes of a
shall uniformly treat the inmates with kindness. There shall be no corporal
25or other painful and unusual punishment inflicted upon inmates.
AB176, s. 129
1Section 129. 302.095 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,53,122 302.095 (2) Any officer or other person who delivers or procures to be delivered
3or has in his or her possession with intent to deliver to any inmate confined in a jail
4or state prison, or who deposits or conceals in or about a jail or prison, or the precincts
5of a jail or prison, or in any vehicle going into the premises belonging to a jail or
6prison, any article or thing whatever, with intent that any inmate confined in the jail
7or prison shall obtain or receive the same, or who receives from any inmate any
8article or thing whatever with intent to convey the same out of a jail or prison,
9contrary to the rules or regulations and without the knowledge or permission of the
10sheriff or other keeper of the jail, in the case of a jail, or of the warden or
11superintendent of the prison, in the case of a prison, shall be imprisoned for not more
12than 2 years or fined not more than $500.
AB176, s. 130 13Section 130. 302.095 (2) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Acts
and 1999 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is repealed and recreated to read:
AB176,53,2515 302.095 (2) Any officer or other person who delivers or procures to be delivered
16or has in his or her possession with intent to deliver to any inmate confined in a jail
17or prison, or who deposits or conceals in or about a jail or prison, or the precincts of
18a jail or prison, or in any vehicle going into the premises belonging to a jail or prison,
19any article or thing whatever, with intent that any inmate confined in the jail or
20prison shall obtain or receive the same, or who receives from any inmate any article
21or thing whatever with intent to convey the same out of a jail or prison, contrary to
22the rules or regulations and without the knowledge or permission of the sheriff or
23other keeper of the jail, in the case of a jail, or of the warden or superintendent of the
24prison, in the case of a prison, shall be imprisoned for not more than 3 years or fined
25not more than $500.
AB176, s. 131
1Section 131. 302.13 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,54,7 2302.13 Preservation of property an inmate brings to prison. The
3department shall preserve money and effects, except clothes, in the possession of an
4inmate when admitted to the prison Wisconsin state prisons and, subject to the crime
5victim and witness assistance surcharge under s. 973.045 (4) and the
6deoxyribonucleic acid analysis surcharge under s. 973.046, shall restore the money
7and effects to the inmate when discharged.
AB176, s. 132 8Section 132. 302.15 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,54,16 9302.15 Activities off grounds. The wardens and superintendents of the state
10prisons, and all wardens and superintendents of county prisons, jails, camps and
11houses of correction enumerated in ch. 303, and the warden or superintendent of a
12private prison
may take inmates away from the institution grounds for rehabilitative
13and educational activities approved by the department and under such supervision
14as the superintendent or warden deems necessary. While away from the institution
15grounds an inmate is deemed to be under the care and control of the institution in
16which he or she is an inmate and subject to its rules and discipline.
AB176, s. 133 17Section 133. 302.17 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,54,2218 302.17 (1) When any inmate is received into any state penal institution the
19department receives a prisoner committed to its custody,
the department shall
20register the date of admission, the name, age, nativity and nationality and such other
21facts as may be obtained as to parentage, education and previous history and
22environments of such inmate.
AB176, s. 134 23Section 134. 302.18 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,55,224 302.18 (2) Inmates of a county house of correction may be transferred to a state
25prison. If any county discontinues its house of correction, inmates at the time of the

1discontinuance may be transferred to the state a prison or to the county jail of the
2county as the commitment indicates.
AB176, s. 135 3Section 135. 302.18 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,55,64 302.18 (4) With each person transferred to a state prison from another
5institution, the warden or superintendent of such other institution shall transmit
6the original commitment and the institutional record pertaining to such person.
AB176, s. 136 7Section 136. 302.18 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,55,118 302.18 (5) Any person who is legally transferred by the department to a penal
9correctional institution shall be subject to the same statutes, regulations and
10discipline as if the person had been originally sentenced to that institution, but the
11transfer shall not change the term of sentence.
AB176, s. 137 12Section 137. 302.255 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,55,16 13302.255 Interstate corrections compact; additional applicability.
14"Inmate", as defined under s. 302.25 (2) (a), includes persons subject to an order
15under s. 48.366 who are confined to a state prison under s. 302.01 and persons subject
16to an order under s. 938.34 (4h) who are 17 years of age or older.
AB176, s. 138 17Section 138. 302.26 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,55,25 18302.26 Corrections compact; contracts with other states; approval.
19The secretary is responsible for performing all functions necessary or incidental to
20carrying out the requirements of the interstate corrections compact under s. 302.25.
21The secretary may delegate and redelegate any of the functions as provided in s.
2215.02 (4). If a contract under s. 301.21 or 302.25 involves the transfer of more than
2310 prisoners in any fiscal year to any one state or to , any one political subdivision of
24another state or any one private prison, the contract may be entered into only if it
25is approved by the legislature by law or by the joint committee on finance.
AB176, s. 139
1Section 139. 302.27 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,56,8 2302.27 Contracts for temporary housing for or detention of prisoners.
3The department may contract with local governments for temporary housing or
4detention in county jails or county houses of correction for persons sentenced to
5imprisonment in the Wisconsin state prisons or to the intensive sanctions program.
6The rate under any such contract may not exceed $60 per person per day. Nothing
7in this section limits the authority of the department to place persons in jails under
8s. 301.048 (3) (a) 1.
AB176, s. 140 9Section 140. 302.28 of the statutes is created to read:
AB176,56,12 10302.28 Private prisons; limitation. A private person operating a private
11prison in this state may confine in that prison only prisoners transferred to the prison
12pursuant to a contract under s. 301.21 (3).
AB176, s. 141 13Section 141. 302.31 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,57,2 14302.31 Use of jails. The county jail may be used for the detention of persons
15charged with crime and committed for trial; for the detention of persons committed
16to secure their attendance as witnesses; to imprison persons committed pursuant to
17a sentence or held in custody by the sheriff for any cause authorized by law; for the
18detention of persons sentenced to imprisonment in the Wisconsin state penal
prisons or a county house of correction, until they are removed to those
20institutions; for the detention of persons participating in the intensive sanctions
21program; for the temporary detention of persons in the custody of the department;
22and for other detentions authorized by law. The county jail may be used for the
23temporary placement of persons in the custody of the department, other than persons
24under 17 years of age, and persons who have attained the age of 17 years but have
25not attained the age of 25 years who are under the supervision of the department

1under s. 48.366 or 938.355 (4) and who have been taken into custody pending
2revocation of aftercare supervision under s. 48.366 (5) or 938.357 (5) (e).
AB176, s. 142 3Section 142. 302.33 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,57,114 302.33 (1) The maintenance of persons who have been sentenced to the
5Wisconsin state penal institutions prisons; persons in the custody of the department,
6except as provided in sub. (2) and s. 301.048 (7); persons accused of crime and
7committed for trial; persons committed for the nonpayment of fines and expenses;
8and persons sentenced to imprisonment therein, while in the county jail, shall be
9paid out of the county treasury. No claim may be allowed to any sheriff for keeping
10or boarding any person in the county jail unless the person was lawfully detained
AB176, s. 143 12Section 143. 302.385 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,57,17 13302.385 Correctional institution health care. The standards for delivery
14of health services in state correctional institutions governed under s. 301.02 and
15private prisons
shall be based on the standards of any professional organization that
16establishes standards for health services in prisons and that is recognized by the
AB176, s. 144 18Section 144. 302.386 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,58,319 302.386 (1) Except as provided in sub. (5), liability for medical and dental
20services furnished to residents housed in prisons identified in s. 302.01 a prison or
21in a secured correctional facility as defined in s. 938.02 (15m), or in a secured child
22caring institution, as defined in s. 938.02 (15g), or to forensic patients in state
23institutions for those services which are not provided by employes of the department
24shall be limited to the amounts payable under ss. 49.43 to 49.47, except s. 49.468, for
25similar services. The department may waive any such limit if it determines that

1needed services cannot be obtained for the applicable amount. No provider of
2services may bill the resident or patient for the cost of services exceeding the amount
3of the liability under this subsection.
AB176, s. 145 4Section 145. 302.386 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,58,95 302.386 (2) (intro.) The liability of the state for medical and dental services
6under sub. (1) does not extend to that part of the medical or dental services of a
7resident housed in a prison identified in s. 302.01, a secured correctional facility as
8defined in s. 938.02 (15m), or a secured child caring institution, as defined in s. 938.02
9(15g), for which any of the following applies:
AB176, s. 146 10Section 146. 302.386 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,58,1611 302.386 (3) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), the department may require a
12resident housed in a prison identified in s. 302.01 or in a secured correctional facility
13as defined in s. 938.02 (15m) who earns wages during residency and who receives
14medical or dental services to pay a deductible, coinsurance, copayment or similar
15charge upon the medical or dental service that he or she receives. The department
16shall collect the allowable deductible, coinsurance, copayment or similar charge.
AB176, s. 147 17Section 147. 302.45 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,59,218 302.45 (1) The department and any county or group of counties may contract
19for the cooperative establishment and use of state-local shared correctional
20facilities. Inmates sentenced to the Wisconsin state prisons, a county jail, a county
21reforestation camp or a county house of correction may be transferred to a shared
22facility by the department, sheriff or superintendent, respectively, under the
23agreement covering use of the facility. Any inmate confined in a state-local shared
24correctional facility shall be deemed to be serving time in the penal correctional
25institution to which he or she was sentenced and shall be eligible to earn good time

1credit against his or her sentence as provided under ss. 302.11, 302.12;, 302.43;,
2303.07 and 303.19 for that institution.
AB176, s. 148 3Section 148. 303.06 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,59,74 303.06 (1) Except as authorized in this section, no goods, except farm
5machinery, farm implements and tools, cordage rope and ply goods, manufactured
6wholly or partly by inmates in any state, city or county penal correctional institution
7may be offered for sale in the open market.
AB176, s. 149 8Section 149. 303.06 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,59,149 303.06 (5) A tax-supported institution or a nonprofit agency may offer for sale
10in the open market products manufactured in whole or in part by inmates in a state
11penal correctional institution as part of a hobby-craft program or vocational training
12if the purpose of the sale is to support the institution's or agency's mission or is for
13some other charitable purpose and if the sale of that product or type of product has
14been approved by the prison industries board under s. 303.015 (1) (e).
AB176, s. 150 15Section 150. 303.065 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,59,1716 303.065 (1) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), the department may grant work
17release privileges to any person incarcerated within the state prisons in a prison.